Since 2017 I have started collaborating with other artists by exchanging rocks and pigments from different parts of the world in order to include as many pigments as possible in my overall pigment collection. I have also been very lucky to receive donations of very special pigments.
1st collaboration with Heidi Gustafson. Heidi is an American artist based in Washington, specialising in Ochres.
2nd collaboration with Heidi Gustafson. Her rocks and pigments come from various locations.
The rocks and pigments are often exhibited alongside my paintings.
Collaboration with Hana Louise Shahnavaz. Hana is an Iranian artist working in London. The pigments were collected from the island of Hormuz, Iran.
The pigments are kept in this specially made glass bottles and sometimes they are exhibited alongside my works.
Indigo dye from Morocco, kindly donated by Flora Butler.
Lead red kindly donated by Rian Kanduth.
Red pigment from Colombia, kindly donated by the Morales family.